CEDAR floor tile
CEDAR floor tile
✆ (604) 352 3412
$5/sqft|1-Day $6/sqft|2+Days $7/sqft|5+Days
Available as a 5ft x 5ft Tile or 25sqft
Inventory Available: 1200sqft or 48 Tiles in Stock
A Great Option to Provide an Attractive Event Floor.
Delivered & installed as 5ftx5ft sections.
8" multiple adjustments can be made for sizes not divisible by 5ft.
For placement on flat, hard surfaces. Certain sub-floors can be used for grass, but each step one makes will feel soft.
If third-party furnishings will be placed on the floor, please expect we will use felt pads on your items to protect the surface.
If vendors will be walking on or rolling crates over the floor, we must cover the floor until show time at an additional cost.